Update Member

Uppdate Member Using API

This method will update a member's details for a Product or Collection they are attached to via API and using an API Key.

You may find the product_id or collection_id at the end of the URL when managing your product or collection

Product Dyno

Payment gateway IDs are only needed for Collections. Since payment gateways with Products only have a one-to-one ratio, all that is needed is the Product ID. With Collections, payment gateways have a many-to-one ratio, and so we'll need to know which payment gateway id the member will be added to. You may find a payment_gateway_id on the Payment Gateways screen for a collection.

Product Dyno

IMPORTANT NOTE: Before updating a member of a collection, be sure to use the "Get Member" method to get all of the payment_gateway_ids that the member has access to. In addition, it is important to send ALL payment_gateway_ids that the member will have access to after the update. If you do not send a payment_gateway_ids value with the "Update Member" method, the member will not have access to that collection variation.

Once the correct parameters are sent, the response will include the status of a member. [status: 1 = updated] - if the response does not include 'status' or if 'status' is not equal to '1', then credentials are wrong or the request could not be processed.






product_id OR collection_id
payment_gateway_ids[] (Array) - required for collection only
expired_at[] (Array) - optional for collections


      "member_id": 523,
      "first_name": "John",
      "last_name": "Doe",
      "email": "john.doe@productdyno.com",
      "status": 1,
      "collection_id": "7"
      "product_id": "58"